Thursday, August 10, 2006

The one where I get interviewed at BlogHer

While I was at the BlogHer conference last week, dangling my feet in the hotel pool after hobnobbing during the welcome reception, I was approached by a man with a video camera.

It was Brian Shields, online news manager at KRON4, who was covering the conference and interviewing some of the women of BlogHer...including me!

On a web page titled "The People of BlogHer 2006," he's posted links to interviews with about a dozen BlogHer attendees as well as other stories on the conference. Scroll down the section labeled "Meet the Bloggers Part 1" and you'll find his interview with's just a little ways below his interview with Arianna Huffington. How cool is that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Clip Cynthia! Journalism students are SOOO incredibly lucky to be starting thier careers now. Students don't need to wait for a "job" to start being a journalist. They can start right now. The power of the media is quickly moving more and more into the hands of the people, with citizen journalism that is uncensored, free, and accessible to anyone. Because of blogs, podcasts, wikis and all that other goodly web 2.0 stuff, everyone, not just the media elite, has the opportunity to be a reporter, a show host, or a media mogul.